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Liposuction Specialist

Hollywood Star Plastic Surgery

Zareh H. Vartivarian, MD

Plastic Surgeon located in San Fernando Valley, West Hills, CA

Dr. Vartivarian is a top provider of liposuction for patients in West Hills, CA, and throughout the San Fernando Valley. At Hollywood Star Plastic Surgery in the West Hills Surgicenter, he uses advanced techniques to help each patient experience the best possible results.

Liposuction Q & A

How does liposuction work?

Liposuction uses special techniques to remove stubborn pockets of fat tissue in specific areas of the body, to improve the overall shape and contours of the body. Although the procedure is designed to get rid of fat, it is not a substitute for weight loss through diet and exercise, and it is not designed to remove large volumes of fat. Rather, liposuction is used to enhance the appearance of the body by removing excess areas of stubborn fat that do not respond well to traditional diet and exercise. Many people choose liposuction after significant weight loss to refine their results, or in areas where fatty tissue combined with reduced skin tone cause drooping or sagging.

Can liposuction be used in any area of the body?

Today's advanced liposuction techniques can be used in many areas of the body where stubborn fat is present, including the belly, buttocks, waist, flanks, upper arms, back, inner and outer thighs, and even under the chin. By removing excess fat, the saggy, “flabby” appearance of these areas can be eliminated so skin looks firmer and patients look fitter, especially following significant weight loss. Liposuction can also enable the underlying muscles to be more visible, so the body appears more sculpted and toned.

What is the liposuction procedure like?

Before any liposuction procedure, patients undergo a physical exam to evaluate health and to identify the surgical sites and approach that can yield the best possible results. Liposuction is performed under anesthesia on an outpatient basis, and the time it takes to complete the procedure will depend on the size of the area being treated and the amount of fat tissue that is being removed. Procedures are performed using small incisions and a special tube called a cannula that gently breaks up fat and removes it. Once the procedure is complete, a special compression bandage or garment will be worn to help speed healing and reduce discomfort and swelling. Full recovery takes a few weeks, but most patients can resume many of their activities soon after surgery.

Before and After Gallery - Liposuction